Chapter 25: A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson

Molly Galler (00:01)
Welcome to Plans Are Booked, a podcast for every reader. I'm Molly Geller.

Stephanie (00:07)
I'm Stephanie Blackburn. I was literally going to say that I was singing in the car on the way home and having the complete opposite of a Phoebe Buffay. I sounded horrible and my voice kept cutting out like mid-note.

Kaitlin (00:09)
And I'm Caitlin Madison. Steph might croak throughout this episode a little bit. She's got the Phoebe Buffay sexy voice. It's fine.

Molly Galler (00:09)
and I'm taking notes except my crump throughout this episode I want to let you know that she's got the Phoebe Buffay sexy voice I wasn't really going to say that I was singing in the car and the woman had the complete opposite of a Phoebe Buffay I sounded horrible and my voice kept cutting out like in the middle that's my favorite when you go to hit like a high and down note and all of a sudden it's just air and you're like oh

Kaitlin (00:27)
That's my favorite when you go to hit like a high a down note and all of a sudden it's just air and you're like, Oh boy.

Molly Galler (00:34)
The best part of that classic Friends episode is when Phoebe is running around Central Park licking everyone's coffee cups trying to keep the germs.

Kaitlin (00:43)
Listen, she had something going. I get it. So welcome to Episode 25. I know it's wild. And we're very excited because, well, when the episode airs the following day, for all you Swifties, tortured poets.

Molly Galler (00:47)
So welcome to episode 25. 25? I can't even believe it. I know, it's one. And we're very excited because, well, when the episode airs it's a long day. For all you Swifties, Tortured Poets department will be out. I have a lot of plans.

Kaitlin (01:08)
department will be out. I have a lot of plans. I have like the whole weekend planned out because it also is the day before record store day. So there's just a lot musically going on that whole the whole weekend. So I'm very excited. I'm going to a Swifty dance party that I like bought a ticket for.

Stephanie (01:20)
So there's just a lot musically going on that whole weekend. So I'm very excited. I'm going to a Swifty dance party that I want to get for. What does that entail? I think you go and they play maybe all of her music videos or something goes on. There's a visual component and then you dance around and sing her face off. Well, there'd be tellers hooking.

Kaitlin (01:33)
I think you go and they play maybe like all of her music videos or something goes on. There's like a visual component and then you dance around and sing your face off.

Molly Galler (01:37)
music videos or something goes on there's like a visual component and then you dance around and sing a song. Will there be Taylor Swift themed cocktails at this dance event? Great question. I don't actually know the age requirement. I think it's 18 plus. So I don't know the answer to that. Well report back to me on the drinks. Um, it's been kind of a busy week.

Kaitlin (01:47)
Mm, great question. I don't actually know the age requirement. I think it's 18 plus. So I don't know the answer to that.

Um, it's been kind of a busy week.

Stephanie (02:03)
I don't even know what I've done. Something else should go. I have to think about what I did this week. I just feel tired, that's all I know. Okay, well I'm happy to be here since I'm fresh off a plane. I was just in Charleston, South Carolina. I was visiting my cousin Martha. Shout out Martha who listens to every post. I can listen to the rest of the talks. We were and will be working together, but she listens immediately. So thank you for that.

Molly Galler (02:03)
I don't even know when that's done. Something else should go. I don't have to think about when that gets this week. I just feel tired, that's all I know. Okay, well, I'm happy to begin since I'm fresh off a plane. I was just in Charleston, South Carolina. I was visiting my cousin Martha. Shout out Martha who listens every Thursday when this episode drops. I just learned while we were together that she listens immediately, so thank you for that. If you haven't been to Charleston before, it is an amazing.

Kaitlin (02:03)
I don't even know what I've done. Somebody else should go. I have to think about what I did this week. I just feel tired. That's all I know. Okay, well I'm happy to be doing some kind of touch up. I was just in Charleston, South Carolina. I was visiting my cousin, Maka, which I got nobody to listen to. I had to use the

Molly Galler (02:32)
Food City, which was the primary reason that I was amped to go again. I went for the first time two years ago. I was there for a week. We were there for my mom's 70th. This was a bit quicker, just a Friday to a Sunday, but I did get to go to the obstinate daughter, which is like on every top 10 list of Charleston restaurants. It's on Sullivan's Island. I had what I would say is maybe the best pasta with vodka sauce I've ever had, which as a vegetarian, I've eaten quite a lot of pasta to just.

Kaitlin (02:58)
as a vegetarian I've eaten quite a lot of prostitutes. It also was at Biscuits and went to my favorite ice cream place, the Jennings, and we did the whole new garden tour, which here in Boston, I used to do the south end garden tour every year. I covered it on my blog three years. It was cool to do it in another city, just see the beautiful, elegant, amazing homes and see all the different styles of plants and trees and my parents.

Molly Galler (03:02)
Um, I also, of course, had biscuits and went to my favorite ice cream place. They are Jenny's and we did the home and garden tour, which here in Boston, I used to do the South end garden tour every year. I covered it on my blog for years. It was cool to do it in another city, to see like beautiful, elegant, amazing homes and see all the different styles of plants and trees and, um,

My parents definitely move at a slower pace these days, and they're 70, so that was a challenge, but otherwise a very good time. Got some shopping in. It was just like a great trip, and it was one of those things where like three days actually did feel like a legit vacation.

Stephanie (03:44)
And I profited off of this because I'm a southern girl at heart, even though I'm clearly a northerner. I got gluten-free biscuit mix and grits, which shrimp and grits is one of my like top five

So I feel like I want, you should go to South Carolina more often so I can have treats.

Kaitlin (03:58)
I feel like you should go to South Carolina more often so I can bring stuff in that is actually fully cooked gluten-free biscuit, like already made because I have heard that the famous place there, Cal, is called Little Biscuit, does GF Biscuits, but in fact the only thing that was available was the mix, not the...

Molly Galler (04:02)
I was hoping to bring Stephanie an actual fully cooked gluten-free biscuit, like already made, because I had heard that the famous place there, Callie's Hot Little Biscuit, does GF biscuits, but in fact the only thing that was available was the mix, not the like finished thing. Yes.

Stephanie (04:18)
I can't wait to actually, once this house is done, just have a morning where I make fresh biscuits. Like, that's just going to be heaven. God, my voice is, is it, does it sound really low to you guys or is that just, oh.

Molly Galler (04:32)
That's why we have to acknowledge to the people.

Kaitlin (04:33)
I just called you Phoebe Buffay, I mean hello?

Stephanie (04:36)
Yeah, but my ears are also clogged so I can't tell if I just sound weird to myself. I have nothing to report except that the house is still not done and I'm basically just dying.

Kaitlin (04:42)
I have nothing to report except that the house is still not done yet and basically it's dying. Can you explain something about that? She does have a head cold, people.

Molly Galler (04:45)
It's still not done and I basically just die. Can you explain to the people about... She does have a head cold, people. Okay, please explain to our beloved listeners what the situation is with the toilets and the porta potty because I feel the women listening to this show need to understand. We wouldn't have to describe full names. If you need to guess the names of the people and find out who it is that you should probably know.

Stephanie (04:52)
I'm having a head full of people.

Kaitlin (04:57)
situation is with the toilets in the port of Fiji because I feel the women must want to show the amount of money. And we would be happy to provide full names of if you need to message us and find out who it is that you should probably not hire. We would be happy to provide that information.

Stephanie (05:00)
Sure. So our plumber, I think this was three weeks ago, I was texting him because he doesn't always respond to my dad because my dad will just call him out on his BS.

Kaitlin (05:18)
I think this was three weeks ago. I was texting him, because he doesn't always respond to my dad, because my dad will just call him up and he'll be out. So I texted him and I said, we are planning to list on such and such date, which has actually passed at this point, but that's neither here nor there. He said, I'm busy this week. I will pencil you in for April 1st. I said, great, I'll get you to that. He was probably going to do that.

Molly Galler (05:26)
So I just wanted to say that the planning process, which is actually a very important issue that actually happened this week, that's kind of important. He said, I said, this week I will take you to the North Parker School. I said, great. I'm happy to do that. I'm happy to help you.

Stephanie (05:26)
So I texted him and I said, we are planning to list on such and such date, which has actually passed at this point, but that's neither here nor there. He said, I'm busy this week. I will pencil you in for April 1st. I said, great. I'm going to hold you to that. He was probably going to do the first and the second. And then my dad being like, he has to do it. So there's no canceling. Went and had our port-a-potty.

requisitioned. So they came and pick it up, but I didn't know that. So I went to go to the bathroom and there was no bathroom because our plumber did not in fact come last week. He still has not come this week. He claims to be sick, which fine, you're allowed to take a sick day. You are not allowed to take a sick week and a half when I am working and I am dying. And

I don't want to get into like the nitty gritty, but being a woman and having no bathroom and also my dad just goes, just go outside. And I'm like, that would be doable if there was a spot in the yard that wasn't viewable from a neighbor's house. There's literally no side of the yard or behind the house or next to the house. There is nowhere to pee and not be in view.

of someone's window. So I have taken the past week and a half to telling people to stay where they are for five minutes. And then I open the front and back door of a vehicle in the driveway and go there.

Molly Galler (07:03)
This entire time I have been wondering what you have been doing if you couldn't hold it and I was like surely she must be driving to whatever the closest like gas station or

Stephanie (07:12)
There's a dunks that's like eight minutes maybe away. The problem is that I just get to the point where I cannot hold it. I just push it too far and then I'm like, well shoot, now I can't drive there. I'm not gonna make it.

Kaitlin (07:15)
I think it's eight minutes, maybe, away. The problem is that I just get to the point where I can't fit in, I can just push too hard and I can't push you down and I can't press enough. Is it the test to do that? I'm using the test. Well, there's no plumbing yet, so she can't walk. No, there is plumbing. Oh, there is.

Molly Galler (07:28)
Is it grotesque of me that I'm like why don't you just pee in the bathtub?

Stephanie (07:33)
Huh. Uh...

No, there is plumbing.

Kaitlin (07:42)
Well, you're not going to do that. Yeah, you don't leave that for them to christen.

Stephanie (07:43)
I mean, I guess I could have gone in the tub, except it's like a beautiful pure white tub. Like I just I couldn't do that. No.

Molly Galler (07:45)
Sorry to the future buyers of this house that I just suggested that.

But I just want people to know, so we are gonna go, Caitlin and I are gonna go to see the finished product. We're gonna take a ton of photos and videos, we're gonna share it all with you, you'll see the finished product. I just want you, when you see how gorgeous this house is at the end, to realize that Stephanie worked on this house for probably two weeks by the time this is all said and done without anywhere to go to the bathroom. Like, this is what is happening.

Stephanie (08:16)
This isn't the first house that this has happened either. Men just do not think about the fact that maybe it's not easy to just go to the bathroom outside. I think this is the third house actually that hasn't had a bathroom.

Molly Galler (08:34)
Anyways, that's the phase. We've been in many different phases of the renovation that you all have been listening to as Stephanie has been giving updates. We have reached the no bathroom stage of the renovation.

Kaitlin (08:34)
Anyways, that's the base. We've been in a little bit of a phase of the foundation that you all have addressed at the husband and wife updates. We have reached a no-file from the stage of the wedding. Well, I have not been suffering as much as Steph, and I also did not go on vacation like Molly. I have been house hunting. And I spent Friday and Saturday last weekend, I saw five different houses.

Stephanie (08:34)
Anyways, you know.

we reach the no stage of that. Mm-hmm. But I would not consider it as much a step. And then I also did not.

Kaitlin (09:03)
Three of them are already under contract. Not a single one of them was interesting to me really. It's just like kind of, like the spring market's a joke. The Massachusetts house market right now is a joke. Everything is really overpriced. I'm taking my sweet time because I can and I'm in a month to month lease situation so I'm not freaking out.

Stephanie (09:27)
local police situation, so I'm not freaking out, but I now understand why other people haven't been freaking out in the last few years. And it's just like time consuming and you're like right, but I feel like any of you gets one of the votes I have to go to because they all come from the same, at the same time, or you're trying to commit to waiting for people to do it. So I think it was a critical moment for me now.

Kaitlin (09:31)
but I now understand why other people have been freaking out in the last few years. And it's just like time consuming and you're like driving around. Like I didn't even get to one of the houses I wanted to go to because they all have them on the same at the same time and it's like a 90 minute window that you can do it. And so I just was like running around doing that. But then on Sunday, I had a Sunday fun day.

Stephanie (09:59)
went to Moose on the road, it was our first time in Harvard Square. It's a TV bar, like fun, believable, great entertainment. I had a couple of people, like both started preparing for class in their two, like they had their birthday time up there, and the day four was really cool. And then I took a class in Harvard Square, like from the dead of my year, like January, February, and I walked past it, and I was like, this does look really cool.

Kaitlin (09:59)
went to Woosong Road for the first time in Harvard Square. It's a tiki bar with unbelievable drinks and Asian food. I had a couple of people post on Instagram in the last year or two. They had their birthday dinners there and the decor looked really cool. And then I took a class in Harvard Square in the dead of winter, January and February, and I walked past it and I was like, this does look really cool.

Stephanie (10:29)
It's like a green and yellow, but it's not a cherry. It's not a cherry.

Kaitlin (10:29)
It's like in a random building in between parking garages off of JFK.

I it's not in the same building as anything else. It's like on its own and you kind of have to know it's there. It's two floors. The drinks have they have like a little Wu song character that they've created. And like similar to like when a spicy dish has like the fire signs underneath. That's how they rate their drinks. So like, if it's five Wu songs, like probably just get one of those kind of thing, which is really fun. The food was

Stephanie (10:43)
It's two-four. Um, the drinks have- they have a typical Goosong character that they've created. And it's like similar to like when a spicy dish has like the fire-spicy as how they break their drink. So like, if it's five Goosongs, I'd probably just get one of those kind of things, which is really fun. The food was unbelievably good. Like, I know you guys have seen it here,

Kaitlin (11:07)
unbelievable. I know you guys aren't meat eaters, but the dumplings had maple pork in them. We got this really good lo mein that was gluten-free because we had a gluten-free person. My friend was like, this is the wettest lo mein I've ever had, but it was in more of a sauce as opposed to a regular lo mein.

Stephanie (11:14)
We got this rich, good, and lonely, and it was gluten free, and we paid a gluten free person, and it was like, punch my face. This was so bad, this was lonely, and I had no idea it was in like a snort sauce, as opposed to like a rice noodle. It was like a rice, it wasn't like a wheat noodles basically. Yeah, it was really good. And I just went back and also, um...

Kaitlin (11:33)
It was like a wide, it looked like linguine basically. Yeah, it was really good. And that dish was veg also. They have all sorts of different buns and all of the buns come and they look like animals. Like the buns, like the top of the buns, like one was like a chick and one was a pig and it was so cute. And they have real crab, like crab, like really like good ones. But then they also had a...

Stephanie (11:48)
like the top of the box, and one is like a chip, and one is like, hey, it was so cute. And they have real crap, like crap, like really good ones. And one of those were a corn cheese rainbow, and it was like, so good. It was really good. I'm definitely going back, we can definitely film. I can't wait. I will say though, I kind of did this as like a little baby, or a big thing for my friend Margaret, and...

Kaitlin (12:03)
corn and cheese Rangoon and I almost liked that better. It was really good. I'm definitely going back. We can definitely go. I will say though, I kind of did this as like a belated birthday thing for my friend Margaret and like her birthday was almost two weeks ago and we had to go on a Sunday because when I looked like in mid-March all of the Fridays and Saturdays were already gone for all of April. I was like okay.

Stephanie (12:18)
Like, the movie thing was almost two weeks ago, and I was like, Sunday, and I was like, look, like, we did much on Fridays and Saturdays, so I'm like, I'm gonna go for a whole week of that. I was like, oh yeah, so, so that's how I spent the Tuesdays, I had a fun time with us, like, that's pretty cool. Yeah, but I kinda like Sunday afternoon day drinking, you know? It was weird, and fun coming.

Molly Galler (12:29)
I'm sorry. All right. So, she's already got some neck because like that's what you felt. But I like how they have a new teacher.

Kaitlin (12:32)
So that's why we went at like 2.30 on a Sunday, because like that's when we could go.

It was, we had a really fun time. I would like to see what it's like at night because I bet it gets like, cause they didn't have both floors open. They only had one floor open and I bet it gets like really fun. And I don't know. It feels, I feel like it would have good vibes. The decor was awesome. Every drink has a different mug that it comes in. Some of the mugs you can buy, like I got a Mai Tai and it came in a mug that looked like a Chinese takeout box with a handle on it.

Stephanie (12:43)
I was really excited to see what it was like at night because they didn't have all the floors open. They only had one floor open and I thought it gets really fun and I don't know. I feel like when I went by the day parlor it was awesome. I agree it has a different mug that it comes in. Some of the mugs you can buy. Like I had a Mai Tai and it came in a mug that looked like a Chinese takeout box with a hand on it. Ooh! It was really fun.

Kaitlin (13:10)
It was really fun.

Molly Galler (13:13)
It sounds like I would be obsessed with this place just from like the branding of it all. It's super fun. You have to collect the teaching cups from other teaching bars across the country. And you can put them in a display box display piece when you walk in. And I play from my bachelor party in Chicago and I've been to that teaching bar. And when you click in the display it's really cool.

Stephanie (13:14)
It sounds like how it would be if this place just went like, you know, and I went there. It was super fun. And he collected Tiki cups from other Tiki bars across the country and put them, like, in a shadow box display case when he walked in. And my friend Ryan was like, oh, my bachelor party was in Chicago, and I went to that Tiki bar. And he was like, in the display. It was really cool. I love that. I hope we get to do that on tour. Have a good day.

Kaitlin (13:18)
It's super fun and they have collected tiki cups from other tiki bars across the country and put them like on a display, like a shadow box display case when you walk in. And my friend Ryan was like, oh, my bachelor party was in Chicago and I've been to that tiki bar. And like it was like in the display. It was really cool.

Molly Galler (13:37)
I love that. Before we get into our book topic for the day, just before we got on these microphones, unboxed a very special delivery that arrived a few days ago. A few episodes ago, I shared my current obsession with Miss Peaches, the rescue dog of Dave Portnoy, the creator of Barstool Sports. And I mentioned, I think on that episode that...

they were at like 800,000 followers on Instagram and I was positive that they would cross a million in short order. So sure enough, they have hit a million followers and we now are the proud owners, between the three of us, of two sweatshirts and a hat with every penny of that money going towards dog rescues. And he has made so many generous gifts to rescues all over the country, $10,000, $25,000. So...

I will share a picture on our Instagram of the stuff that we got in case anybody wants to pick out some for themselves. We'll share the link. No like kickback to us just because it's a cool thing to do. So if you're into animal rescue you can see the cute stuff that we will soon be sporting.

Kaitlin (14:47)
So we're doing a YA book this week. This, so kind of a funny like roundabout way that we all ended up reading this. Steph read it years ago, gave it to me. I was, it was like in my TBR pile for like a million years. And I was like, I don't think I'm ever gonna get to this, gave it back to her. And then we had the book fair at my school and a bunch of my students were like, oh my God, have you read this book?

Stephanie (14:53)
This is so kind of funny to come around about, maybe we all ended up reading this. Steph put it years ago, gave it to me. It was in my school year, I was like, I'm really into characters. I was like, I don't think I've ever read a text like this. Gave it back to her. And then she had this book here at my school, and a bunch of my students were like, oh my god, have you read this book? And it was a controls guide to murder. And I was like, no, I haven't.

Kaitlin (15:17)
And it was a good girl's guide to murder. And I was like, no, I haven't read it, but I really feel like maybe I should revisit it and read it because my friend said it was good and it's also going to be a TV show and the lead actress in it is Wednesday's bestie from Wednesday. I can't think of her name. The blonde werewolf girl. She is the best. So she's my favorite character in the show actually.

Stephanie (15:40)
the love of your girlfriend, she's the best. So, she's my favorite friend, John, you're funny. Um, so, I was like, no, my sweet said it's good, this girl that I'm always gonna be in the show, I should just give it a go. It's my product location with me, it's in Florida, right from my birthday, and...

Kaitlin (15:47)
Um, so I was like, you know, my students said it's good. This girl that I like is going to be in the show. I was like, I should just give it a go. And so I brought it on vacation with me to Florida right around my birthday. And I read like 30 or so pages and I was like, okay, I'm like sort of intrigued. And then I like took it to the pool and read like another 30 or 40 pages. And I was like, okay. And then like halfway through, I was like, I have to know.

what actually happened. Because the premise is very interesting, and I feel like very like, possible, honestly. Like, it's told from the perspective of a high school girl doing her senior capstone project, and she gets a head start on it before school starts.

Molly Galler (16:21)
is very, very possible, honestly. It's totally from the perspective of a high school girl doing her second half of her college head start on a few different starts.

Stephanie (16:26)
It's possible, honestly. It's told from a first-time book by a schoolgirl with a senior capsule, and brought to your attention a head start on it before school starts.

Kaitlin (16:37)
Keep going. So it's about this really precocious girl and she has basically decided to investigate a murder and suicide situation. I don't want to like give too much away but essentially, this girl goes missing and she's gone for so long that she's presumed dead.

Molly Galler (16:49)
Okay, keep going.

Kaitlin (16:58)
And then her boyfriend commits suicide in the, well, it looks like suicide in the woods and leaves kind of an ominous note that makes it seem like he did something to his girlfriend. And Pip, the main character, like does not accept it because she knew the boy in her path. Like as a child, she knew him. And so she decides to take on this case and kind of be this like

because she feels like she knows the people well enough that they'll actually talk to her. I really enjoyed it. The only hump that I had to get over was that the writing is a little clunky, but it's all from the point of view of a high school girl who is submitting this as a project, and these are her project notes. So once I reminded myself of that a couple of times, I was like, okay, this is good storytelling, even if it's a little not that polished.

Stephanie (17:58)
So once I like, when I read the book, I was like, okay, this is a good story telling, but it's like, well, not that much. See, and I think that's why I liked it, is because, one, it kept me on my toes because it kept changing from like, not scribbled, but like notes.

or, my brain's not working, but when she took recorded conversations and thank you. I love those because you have to sort of imagine what's happening in between what's actually being said. So it could be like so many different things. I think it made the story more interesting. I think if it was just told from like a narration standpoint, it wouldn't have had the catch that it seemed to have.

Kaitlin (18:13)
to reach out to them in conversations. Transcribed. Thanks. I love that we meet as a unit.

Stephanie (18:38)
Yes, it is a YA book and so maybe it's not as polished maybe or written.

so that the reader comes up to the writing. But I wish that this book had been out when I was a teen because I feel like I would have loved this and there was nothing like this back then.

Kaitlin (18:47)
that's greater to them right now. I wish I had this much time to think about this too, because I've lived through life and said, you know, there's nothing like this. I feel like the only thing that's even remotely similar in my brain, and we've actually talked about both, well, I've talked about both of these authors, Caroline B. Cooney.

Molly Galler (19:02)
So, Stephen will be similar, and I have actually wondered about this collection of these authors, Caroline Coney, who wrote these other little works, and all these books, and then Paulist Duncan, who wrote, I don't know if you're watching or, who are cultural history students or are between category and class of a college. Well, there's a lot to it already.

Kaitlin (19:09)
who wrote Face on the Milk Carton and all those books. And then Lois Duncan who wrote, I Know What You Did Last Summer. She wrote a bunch of other mysteries too that are basically like tween category, I guess I would call it. Molly, you're the last one that read it. What did you think?

Molly Galler (19:31)
to cover it for the pod. And at first I found it a little bit slow. And I think part of that could be that I had just read a few books prior to this that I like loved and had raced through and so it was like a rough transition as often happens for me when I step outside the romance genre again. I did like the project notes and the transcription from the interviews. I think the thing

that was most interesting to me is when she decides to kind of reopen this case. Her unlikely ally turns out to be the brother of this person, Sal, who they think took his own life. And I was very like,

how is she going to earn his trust? His family's already been so like traumatized. I don't know if this is going to work out. And then their sort of co-conspirator relationship throughout the book was actually the thing that kept me going. And I felt like seeing how things, you know, just like evolved for them both in their personal relationship, but how much each of them was willing to pour into trying to solve this. It was like the stakes got higher and higher and also their trust in each other got higher and higher.

I'm not as good at predicting the endings of things as the two of you are, but I will say that I did not see the ending of this coming at all, which I liked. I felt like as it was unfolding in that final like 25% of the book, let's say, I honestly had no idea what was going to happen. And I felt myself like leaning forward. I was reading it on the couch, like just wondering what the resolution was going to be. And I felt like even though...

Stephanie (20:45)
I'm not as good at predicting the end days of things as the two of you are, but I will say that I did not see the end date of this coming at all, which I liked. I felt like as it was unfolding, that final 25% of the book was like, I honestly had no idea what was going to happen. And I felt most of it leading forward. I was reading it on the couch.

Molly Galler (21:13)
you may find it slow at the beginning, anyone who decides to pick this up, you really should stick with it because the pace increases significantly as it goes on. And then the big reveals at the end, I felt like were really worth it, like that the payoff at the end was a big one. And, you know, not that everything was like tied up with a bow, but I felt like you did get answers to certain things. And also, people who seemed

Stephanie (21:37)
I mean, like the line in the book, which the stories sort of merged and you like, try to be ahead of yourself. I think people should try it, just know that it would be better if you saved it. I also was just thinking that I think it had to be a YA book because only a teenager would like catfish a person to try and get answers and like have no qualms whatsoever, putting themselves in harm's way to get to the answers.

Molly Galler (21:38)
like benign and unimportant to the story sort of emerged in a new light towards the end. So I think people should try it and just know that you got to like see it through.

to get to that person, only because that person is a bigger person. Well, like, I don't even know if that's my question. Have you experienced any stress this year? Yeah, it's so interesting because as he gets closer to his older brother, she realizes, like, this isn't really about the project anymore, this is about clearing his name, or at least getting the product to the defendant in advance.

Kaitlin (22:03)
to get my questions or make the best of this video. So I just see the question. PIP takes some seriously big risks. And it's so interesting because as she gets closer to Sal's brother, she realizes like, this isn't really about the project anymore. This is about like clearing his name and like, or at least getting the brother some definitive answers. Cause the brother, his like,

Stephanie (22:05)
Or maybe that's just me being an anxious person, but like I don't see an adult doing this. I've seen some serious human risks and it's so interesting because as she gets closer to Sal's brother, she realizes like this isn't really about the project anymore, this is about like clearing up his name like, or at least getting the brother some definitive answers. Because the brother is like, you know, worried.

Kaitlin (22:33)
you know, warrior cry the whole time is that my brother wasn't like this. He would never do anything this selfish. And that's kind of how Pip feels too. And so they kind of have this like common understanding of like, okay, we both. Still think of him as the person that we knew him to be. And neither one of us has let like his death taint that and like, let's work together to figure it out. And so.

Stephanie (22:35)
the full time is that my mother wasn't like this, she would never see my mother being this selfish, and that's kind of how it feels too. And so they kind of have this like common understanding of like, okay, we pull.

Kaitlin (22:59)
the stakes keep getting higher and she keeps taking like bigger risks that have consequences that reach way beyond her. And there's definitely some parts that are a little like, I wouldn't say scary, but like you're kind of holding your breath like, oh, this might've been a really bad situation she got herself into. But then you understand, like she just gets this drive of like, I have to figure this out. Like we've come way too far to only go this far.

Um, I did predict one, um, thing, like one, there was one person that I found sus from the start, um, and they, that ended up being a worthwhile investigation and as a reader for me, um, when I was reading it, I started thinking about the case slash show. Um, and I don't know if what, no.

Molly Galler (23:47)
When I was reading, I started thinking about the case, slack, trial, and I didn't know what to do. I was like, no, I don't want to go. I was just thinking about what to do. Did I make a mistake? Did you want to spoil? I didn't, but you can spoil anything you need to. Okay, well, I did so. Based on what I've heard, this could happen, and I'm going to claim all that to be true. So basically, it was a case where you were on the wrong side.

Stephanie (23:47)
When I was reading it, I started thinking about the case, slack, drug, and I didn't work. I'm done? Is that what you were gonna say? No. Oh. I was asking about the Plainville. Did anyone? Oh yeah. Did you watch it? I did, but you didn't. Okay, well, I did some research on what was gonna happen in Plainville, that's what you saw.

Kaitlin (23:58)
I was going to say the girl from Plainville. Did anybody watch that? Did you watch it, Mal? Okay. Well, it's based on a real case that happened in Plainville, Massachusetts. So basically it was the case where the girl bullied her boyfriend via text message into killing himself. And she was convicted. And it was a really big deal because it was like, okay, this is like the first...

Stephanie (24:11)
So basically, it's a case where a girl will come away from it and be attacked by something that they don't know.

Molly Galler (24:16)
Oh, yes, yes.

Kaitlin (24:24)
big cyber bullying case where the person has been found guilty because there have been other instances of unfortunately teenagers killing themselves because they were egged on by classmates on the internet. And so they made a TV show out of it and Elle Fanning is absolutely outstanding in it. She is like, she's, she should have won some stuff in my opinion. But

kind of the tone of it and seeing how the families are impacted and how it takes over the town and people make a lot of assumptions. The girl that has been missing perpetually, you find out a lot of things about her that you wouldn't know on surface level. I really feel like I only knew the surface level of that texting case.

And then I watched the show and I was like, I see how it escalated now. And when I was reading good girls guide to murder, I was like, okay, this is the escalate that like teenagers are passionate and they don't have bills and they don't have jobs and they just are supposed to go to school and do their homework and pip has a car earn. No, maybe she doesn't have a car, but the brother does. And

Molly Galler (25:40)
And it has a power to turn the film into a film that's not a film, it's a film that's not a film. And you have to have a second to that. I mean, other people's are gonna be trying to air style. She's like, I'm gonna do whatever. Like, it can happen. I do know that. But, like, you know, if you manage to kind of, and you don't do something that actually

Stephanie (25:43)
And you have obsessive tendencies at that age.

Kaitlin (25:45)
and you have obsessive t- yeah, I mean, other girls her age are like Harry Styles and she's like, I'm going to investigate a murder. Like, it happens. I do know kids like this that just get really passionate about something and you do have, if you manage your time well and you don't do a ton of extracurriculars, like you really do end up having a lot of free time in your day. Like, the school day ends at like 2.05. Imagine your day ending at 2.05 and you're like, I just got the rest of the day to do whatever I want now.

Stephanie (25:47)
of your cross-breed kids are like hairstyle. She's like, I'm gonna cut my hair. That's like, it happens. I do know that. That's just really not enough. And if you do, if you manage your time well and you don't put too much extra work into this, it can really end up going a lot of free time if you get like this full day, like tool five. I mean, I think your day ending in tool five is like a surprise for me.

Molly Galler (26:09)
And then the third day, I leave at school. I was like, I'm gonna go to the day where I'm gonna go to my school, okay, I'm gonna go to my school. But, um, so, so if you like home school, if you like that like, kind of passionate, un-dirty, teenage stuff, you know that you're not gonna be a star. I think you are.

Stephanie (26:14)
Mine does, actually.

Kaitlin (26:16)
Okay, well, it must be nice, but um, so So if you liked Girl From Plainville if you like that like kind of passionate unnerving teenager stuff

Stephanie (26:31)
You know what I forgot about this series? I think you only read the first one, but I have both of them. Kathleen Hales, No One Else Can Have You. Do you remember Kippie Bushman is investigating her best friend's murder in small town Minnesota? Loved that book. Fantastic. Similar like precocious teenage girl trying to suss out who is actually at fault here.

Kaitlin (26:44)

Um, there's a second book, I bought it. I haven't started it yet. And, um, essentially Pip and the brother whose name we should have maybe looked up. Ravi. Okay. So I think I said Ravi in my head the whole time I read it. Okay. Ravi, Ravi. He and Pip get approached to turn...

Stephanie (27:13)
So I think I said Robbie and I have to look at either one. Okay, Robbie and Ruby. He and Pip get approached to turn their investigation into a podcast.

Molly Galler (27:14)
I think I said Bobby and I had to remember that name. Okay, Bobby and Ruby. He and Pipp get the approach to turn their investigation into a contrast, and I guess

Kaitlin (27:26)
their investigation into a podcast. And I guess while that's happening, another case, somebody approaches them and is like, I need your help. And that's what the second book is about. And then Holly Jackson just came out with another book last week, or the first week of April. And that follows a whole different, I think, girl detective again.

Um, and it seems like another similar, like this happened in my town and I'm going to get to the bottom of that kind of thing. And so I'm into it. I'm very into it. I, but again, I love, I love a female detective mayor of East town. Beautiful. Loved it. Um, I loved the latest season of true detective. Jodie Foster was amazing as was her counterpart whose name I can't think of. Oh my gosh. Um, Callie.

Stephanie (27:59)
I'm in the play. I'm very good. Again, I love female detective. Mary Lee Stapp. Beautiful. I'm an affiliate season of True Detective. I go to hospitals daily. And her counterpart, who's made my character. Oh my gosh.

How? From Rhode Island? I don't know. Yeah. Um, anyway. I just love Girl Protective. So the idea of what these girls from like, these women were like as teenagers is kind of one layer out of it. And I can see why officers are like, cool.

Molly Galler (28:21)
from Russia. Yeah. Anyway, I just felt that the idea of what these girls were like, these women who are like, this teenager is part of their idea. And I feel like my audience are like, who are precludes? Teenage, that is. This could be one of the adults. It is precludes. And I think some of us also think that we're not really that. It's more like, this was like, from a older age.

Kaitlin (28:22)
Yeah, she's from Rhode Island. Anyways, I just love Girl Detectives. So the idea of what these girls were like, these women were like as teenagers is kind of fun to play around with. And I could see why authors are like, a precocious teen detective, like this could be fun, you know, like it is kind of fun. And I think some of us also...

Stephanie (28:42)
And I think some also, like, when I was in that school, I was so into this thing of like open-mindedness. And I was like, oh, well, like, who's going to come off of this? Like, the whole thing of like, you start to ponder on it, and you feel like you have to do something about it. And so I think it's kind of like a view of this thing. You get into the cafeteria, and you start to think this person, like, how did you do it? And I think that's really the question of this whole.

Kaitlin (28:46)
Like when we, I know when I was in high school, like anytime anything like even a little dramatic happened, it was like, oh, well, like, who's going to get to the bottom of this? Like the rumor mill would just start swirling and you'd be like, did you hear from so-and-so? It's like every teen movie you've ever seen. You get to the cafeteria and all of a sudden the whispers are like happening galore. That really happened at my high school. And I just feel like it's fun to see when there's a good payoff for that.

Stephanie (29:09)
I just feel like it's fun to see what there's a good payoff for that. So it's one of those reasons where you're willing to take on the upfront learning curve.

Kaitlin (29:15)
So if you like mysteries and you like or you're willing to tango with young adult literature, I thought it was fun. I thought it was an interesting read. There were a lot of twists. I only figured one of them out. I feel like that's pretty good for a YA book. Usually I kind of have pieced it together like halfway through. That did not happen with this book. So I thought it was a good one.

Stephanie (29:42)
I'm excited to see it. Is it a movie or a show? Do we know?

Kaitlin (29:45)
I actually don't know. I will look it up. Well, the cover has the red string, which style Stolinski, a nice little hat tip to him.

Molly Galler (29:49)
I think it was pretty much. I know that. Yes. Well, the color helps the rest of the print, right? So I was once a... Yeah, I'm not as big a true crime junkie as the two of you, but I will say in reading this, which happens to me anytime I read these kinds of stories, I just become so...

Stephanie (29:49)
I think it'll be fun to watch. And I also hope there's a murder board because it's on the cover. Well, the cover has a great... Right. Which sounds like a great... I'm going to go with that. Yeah. I do not speak of the truth, but I have a visage of it that I will say in the reading last, which I will speak any time, because it's kind of strong. I just become so disillusioned with the justice system in the way that I'm like...

Molly Galler (30:11)
disillusioned with the justice system in a way where like I can't stop thinking about it like for days after I finished reading this I Was like good god I hope I never go missing or turn up like murdered in a random place because no one will do the right thing and like Search until they find the truth

Stephanie (30:15)
I can't stop thinking about it. Like for days I've been drinking this. I was like, good job. I hope I never go missing or I drink it up. I'm like, it's because no one will do that. They can like search until they find the drink. See, and I think to myself, my sister will be the person who figures out who killed me. Well, just, yeah. Yeah, exactly.

Molly Galler (30:32)
Yeah, Girl Detective. Yeah, exactly. But I feel like when I read it, truly, for many days after, I was like, mm-mm. And I think I have watched a few of the documentaries or docu-series that you guys have turned me onto about real-life crimes that were later on solved or reopened and whatnot. And you can't help but just be like, if it isn't for that one squeaky wheel person, so-and-so just would have gotten away with this.

Stephanie (30:40)
I'm not going to mention the stuff that I said. It's nothing. It just, and I think, you know.

series yeah

Kaitlin (31:04)
series. So if the casting of this is oh yeah this is definitely correct. So they've already started filming it. It's the BBC that's putting it together as a series. Because Holly Jackson is not American by the way.

Stephanie (31:05)
Well, this is called polyamory, so they're not just trying to tell you that it's the beef to seed it when it's together, it's serious. It's always actually a problem for us. Now I feel like an idiot. Did it take place in the US? It took place in the US. Oh, oh yeah, okay. I just always assume that everything takes place in the US.

Molly Galler (31:08)
So they probably started to go to get the, the need to see the coming together of this hearing. Because Holly's actually not a parent of my daughter. So now, like, did it replace the one last? Yes, in Connecticut. In Connecticut. Oh, yeah, okay. I just don't want this to come back. I think it's a good place to do this. Oh.

Kaitlin (31:20)
It took place in the US.

Okay, so Maul, I'm definitely going to send you some photos that I just found from the guy that's playing Ravi Ravi. Very good looking person, first of all, and second of all, he had it's from the set that he's posted these so it's kind of fun. Yeah, and you get to see Pip and it's fun.

Molly Galler (31:33)
Oh great.

Stephanie (31:39)
from the set that he's supposed to be in. So it's kind of fun. And you can see that. It's fun. Cool. So I'll tell you a couple of things. I wasn't picturing like certain people for every single set, and you were like, I was picturing a series of people coming by. And then, for example, I myself, I was picturing that picture of his previous movie,

Molly Galler (31:41)
So it's kind of fun. Yeah. And you can see that it's fun. Cool. I'm excited about that. So I'll tell you in my head, I wasn't picturing certain people for every single person, but Andy, the girl who goes missing, I was picturing a Sydney Sweeney from Euphoria. Oh. Yeah, yeah. And then for Sal, RIP Sal, I was picturing the actor who plays Davey's Indian boyfriend in Never Have I Ever. I mean.

Stephanie (32:09)
Oh yeah. Yeah. I can see it.

Molly Galler (32:09)
who's on the like competing rival debate team.

Anyway, Caitlin will show me who's actually playing these people. But yeah, I bet it will be great as a on screen story. Oh my God, really cute.

Stephanie (32:20)
Yeah, I think he's a little weird. He has a little dog. Oh yeah. He's a cute little dog. Yeah, he's a cute little dog. His name is... Well, his first name is Aiden, and he's lost in this because I don't think this animal is actually lost in this. We'll share some videos.

Kaitlin (32:24)
little Robbie Reve yeah he's a cutie he's a cutie no idea his name is well his first name Zane I don't know what his last name is because I don't think that this handle is actually his last name

Molly Galler (32:39)
We'll share some visuals for those who might be interested in the film version.

Kaitlin (32:45)
Emma Myers is the girl that's playing Pip. That was gonna drive me cuckoo bananas. Her name is Emma Myers. What's everybody reading?

Stephanie (32:55)
I am reading a Reese's book club book that a college friend of mine had posted on Good Reads months ago and I trust him inherently so I went out and purchased the hardcover. I don't know what has come over me recently. It is called Did You Hear About Katie Carr? It's by Crystal Smith-Paul.

I have no idea if this is optioned. I hope it is because I think it would be beautiful. So it's a story in two parts. The quote unquote present day is 2017 and it's in Hollywood and there is this family that is apprised of an actress and a musician producer and they have three adult daughters who are in their like late 20s, early 30s and all three girls have come home to their like.

family mega mansion in the Hollywood Hills because our next door neighbor, Kitty Carr, who was sort of like a...

Kaitlin (33:48)
family. You keep saying that and I keep hearing Katie car which is a person that I know it's a guy that I went to high school with his mom's name is that and I keep and she like they live right by our school so like she would be around on her bike and stuff all the time and I'm like every time you say that I'm like wait a minute what

Stephanie (33:53)

And she was like, it was a great line of goals, but you would feel like you were making stuff up. Like, are you going to say that? Are you going to say that? Meanwhile, Richard's very sad. I'm going to get you a picture of him in the car. Thank you.

Molly Galler (34:05)
Meanwhile, Richard scary style and picturing like a tiny car being driven by a kitty cat.

Kaitlin (34:12)
She's the worm in the apple car.

Stephanie (34:14)
She's the worst. I'm not even gonna lie. No, she's sort of like a Elizabeth Taylor type person. Like she was like a starlet in her heyday and then she became sort of like an eccentric woman who lived next door to them, has like a labyrinth garden in the backyard. Anyways, she has just passed and left her $600 million estate to the three young women. And everyone is sort of like.

asking questions. Variety wants to have an interview with one of the daughters to suss out why the three of them ended up with the fortune because they're not related. They're just neighbors. Then in the past, we go back to 1930s and I think we're in North Carolina and this girl Hazel, her entire family, she's grown up as a sharecropper family. They all die in a boat drowning. She gets taken in by this young woman who...

works for this wealthy white family. So she starts working at the house as well. And she gets earmuffs for any children that might be listening to this. She gets raped by their son and has the child. And the child, she realizes quickly can pass as white. So on the weekends, they had to Winston's Salem, Winston's Salem. Yes. Which is like a two hour bus ride from where they are.

Molly Galler (35:20)
She has faith by their fun and has the child. And the child, she realized quickly came back as white. So on the beach, they have this, what is this, same instrument? North Carolina? Yeah, and a club. She went to that. And she had a club. So like, it was a club. She was like, I don't know what you call it. Like, an inn. She was like, that's the mother. So we were all trying to figure out what was going on.

Stephanie (35:38)
and they go into the department store and she pretends to be her nanny instead of her actual mother. So the girl can try on dresses in the whites only department store and whatever. And so I have my suspicions of how this is gonna all kind of come together, but I almost don't care at this point because both stories are so different.

Kaitlin (35:50)
department store. And so I have no suspicions of how this is going to all kind of come together. But I am here at this point because both stores are so different. For like present day stuff, it's like, it's like, how is this going to work?

Stephanie (36:04)
Um, the like present day stuff is like jarring cause it's like paparazzi is following them to the gym and like the mother clearly has like an eating disorder, um, and is stressed about her Halloween themed party that is going to coincide with the funeral. It's like very like at odds with each other, but they're both beautiful stories in their own right. And so I'm, I mean, it's like a thick book and I'm only quarter way into it. I'm loving it. It's I understand why it's on Reese's book club.

So I will pass it along. Maybe we'll do an episode, who knows? We'll see if you guys like it too.

Kaitlin (36:40)
I can go next. I am reading a book called on basketball and dissension. Neither of these two fine women are going to read this book, I think it's by Hanif. I don't know how to say Hanif last name. I think it's Adarabh Keeb. I butchered that I'm so sorry, Hanif. But anyways, Hanif, I don't know how to explain him. He's from Columbus.

Stephanie (37:09)
Sorry, is this memoir? Like what? I have, it's like the best things. Oh, okay. He does these books. This is like his third or fourth book that I've read. He does books where he's promoted his social solidarity and solidarity from his perspective on being a black Muslim man in the United States. He's run for office, he's always running for office. He's a part of the U.S. He did go to college. His mom passed away. He made a new book.

Kaitlin (37:12)
I don't know. It's a collection of essays. He does these books. This is like his third or fourth book that I've read. He does books where he provides like social commentary and commentary from his perspective of being a black Muslim man in the United States. He's from Columbus. He's always lived in Columbus. He's a MacArthur genius. He didn't go to college. His mom passed away when he was a teenager. He's one of five kids, I think.

And he just has really interesting things to say. Like people kind of have joked around him and like he's the black Chuck Klosterman, but like, no, that's like, that's cheapening it, I think. Um, he has one book that's called, They Can't Kill Us Until They Kill Us, and it's basically like him interspersing like ideas about life and his experiences with like music criticism. This one's about.

like coming of age, but he also uses basketball as like a metaphor throughout it. He has another one that was literally every single essay was about a tribe called Quest. He has another one that got nominated for

It was a, I think it might've been a finalist for the Pulitzer, but it was a finalist for the National Book Award and a couple of other ones. And it was all about black performance, like through history. So he just like, he has a really interesting perspective. He knows a ton about music. He's a great follow on social media. Um, he is just, there's nobody else out there writing like him. He's just really interesting. The first chapter of this book. He talks about.

it ends up being about like haircuts and identity and first love but he starts off by talking about the in the 90s there is this group of five freshmen starters for the University of Michigan's basketball team and they were like, like Jalen Rose was one of them and like, they all came in together and like, had completely like bald heads and it was like a power move of like, we don't even need hair and like, we're studs like whatever. And then that like,

kind of like resonates throughout the whole essay about like hair and the importance of hair and whether or not you need it. What does it say if you don't have it? It's just really interesting and then it turns into like he's dating this girl and both of them have lost their mom so then like wigs come into play like he just he takes a topic and just like weaves it. It's unbelievable. Anyways that's what I'm reading.

Molly Galler (39:55)
from high brow to low brow. I just finished this book that Steph loaned to me called Done and Dusted. Oh yes, on one of your many bookstore outings. Done and Dusted is by Lila Sage. It's a fiction book. It's about...

Stephanie (39:56)
I'm not sure what to do. I just wish that that's not the wrong choice. I mean, that's the- Which Caitlin forced me to buy. Oh yes, go on. Don't ask me to buy a new stage. It's a question of-

Kaitlin (40:01)
I just wish this was a test. I would care. Oh yes, you're welcome.

Molly Galler (40:18)
A woman who is a barrel racer gets thrown from a horse, has a very traumatic experience and comes home to her family's ranch in Montana to kind of recoup and try to like... Oh, I'm sorry, Wyoming. How dare I make that mistake? It's called Meadowlark, which is I think where the M came in my head. So she comes home to Wyoming to kind of like get her bearings again. And a surprise to no one, she falls in love.

Stephanie (40:20)
that the town is going to become the first city of very dynamic opinions and common sense in the Indian-Israeli, Shantana, and African-American travel agency. Wyoming. Oh, I'm sorry. Wyoming. Ha.

Kaitlin (40:29)
you moved and tried to really... Oh, I'm sorry. Why am I... I don't know. It's one of the other questions that came up in the chat. So she comes up with a way to kind of like get her thoughts together. And as a question, what she calls the important part, we try to get her thoughts together, but this is not the case in some records. How do you try to get them together as a whole piece of content?

Stephanie (40:45)
Wait, can I just interject that this has bothered me since I read it? How did no one in her family end up as an emergency contact when she was like knocked sideways off the horse? Did that bother you at all?

Molly Galler (40:56)
Yeah, there are some, there are holes in this story for sure. And also she is like number one ranked in her like age group, her demographic, whatever. And no one is concerned that she just like abandoned the tour and like there, yeah, there are a lot of holes. So she comes home and winds up really falling for her older brother's best friend. They have like, you know, an antagonistic history from childhood. Um, but their romance.

was very, very fun to follow. And I had read like, I don't know, 30 pages maybe before I got on the plane to Charleston. And then I read the entire rest of the book on this hour and 55 minute flight. I really loved it. Like, is it the best writing of all time? It is not, but it was very, very fun. And I was picturing certain people in my head as both. Her name's Clementine, but she goes by Emmy.

Stephanie (41:41)
I really loved it. Like, is it the best writing of all time? It is not, but it was very, very fun. And I was sure most people in my family Do tell. As

Molly Galler (41:55)
Emmy and Luke and so I had these like visuals in my head and I was picturing Luke as Glenn Powell from yes Top Gun from Top Gun and from Anyone But You and a million other movies that he's recently been in. But then I read this Q&A with the author at the very end and I need to share this with you.

Stephanie (41:57)
So I had this idea of having a constitution as a plan out from... Oh! Yeah!

I didn't even look at it. I'm not really going to be studying for something. But I read this committee, the author, and I'm sure it's going to be helpful.

Molly Galler (42:17)
I know you can always count on me to read whatever's in the back of the book. So the person asking the Q and A, which I assume is like the publisher said, you say you drew inspiration for Luke from Friday night lights. Did you have any other inspirations when creating the characters and done and dusted? And she says, I always joke that Luke is Tim Riggins. If he grew up, washed his hair and got a savings account. And I was like, okay, well now I have a different visual. Also in the Q and A.

Kaitlin (42:17)
And it was funny to read what I was going to say. So the person asked me to join at the place who was like the publisher said, you say you drew inspiration from a leaf from Friday, the other days. Did you draw any other inspiration from a creative or a character that you had invested in? And she says that he is a girl that leaves his timber as if he grew up, washed his hair, and he wants to save the kingdom. And I said, okay, I'm really into this. Also in the Q&A.

Stephanie (42:20)
So the person asked me, the publisher said, you say you grew inspiration from Friday's new place. Did you?

He says, I always joke that Luke is timid, if he grew up, washed his hair and got his hair done. And I was joking, I'm like, I'm not going to tell you the whole story. They asked her, which author she admired, what stories really moved her and you guys were going to tell.

Molly Galler (42:44)
they asked her which authors she admires or like what stories really moved her and you guys are gonna die because these are like our favorites so she says some of my favorite books are love is a mixtape by rob sheffield ninth house me too ninth house by lee bardugo eldest by christopher pallini getaway girl by tessa bailey writers and lovers by lily king

Kaitlin (42:44)
They asked her, um, which author she and I chose are four stories, really literature, and you guys are going to have to guess these are like our favorites. So she says, some of my favorite books are, While This Is My Story, by Linda Sheffield, Nine Thousand- I love that book. I mean, just nine books from the book are here now. I also love that book. I'll just think of a scribbling. Get a book that's a daily, write a book that's not really a daily thing, and of course, be true to my heart.

Stephanie (42:53)
This is our favorite. So she says, some of her favorite books about love is a mix tape by Rob Sheffield, nine books. I love that book. Me too. Nine books by Lidar Duca. I also love that book. I'll just read this for a while, Amy. Get a Big Girl by Tessa Bailey, Writers and Lovers by Rita King, and of course, Beatrice by Emily Henry. But more recently, I've fallen in love with Helen Hall and Ashley Poston, Riley Sager, and Abby Jimenez. To me, these authors are absolute masters

Molly Galler (43:12)
and of course, Beach Read by Emily Henry. But more recently, I've fallen in love with Helen Huang, Ashley Poston, Riley Sager, and Abby Jimenez. To me, these authors are absolute masters of their craft and I can't wait to read everything they write for the rest of forever.

Stephanie (43:23)
I can't wait to read everything they write for the rest of forever. So I read that Lily King book. I don't even know if I've finished it. I'll answer you. Oh, the writers and lovers? I have to... I don't think I've read it. It's in your require. I know, I know, I didn't get into it. I don't know.

Kaitlin (43:27)
I read that Lilly King book. I don't even know if I finished it to be honest with you. The writers and lovers. I didn't get into it. I don't know. I don't know what happened.

Molly Galler (43:31)
Oh, I did. I loved it. It was based in Harvard Square.

Okay, but the fact that she was like, I've become obsessed with Helen Huang, which I just spoke about that at length, Ashley Poston, author of Seven Years Slip, Riley Sagar, which you guys just finished one of those. I mean, this is like our reading list.

Stephanie (43:39)
Okay, but the fact that she was like a good princess with Poe and Hoang, which I just spoke about, Ashley Frost in an author of Seven Years' Look, Riley Stegar, would you guys just finish my book? I mean, this is like our reading list. When I read that book, first of all, I loved it. It's not perfect, and that's okay. But also, I can just tell how much she loves Wyoming, and I immediately was like, I want to be friends with her. I think we could be on so many levels. I'm forgetting.

Kaitlin (44:05)
I'm sorry. It got motion, correct? It did get motion. I just wanted to make sure that we could share it with the public. And there currently two of them out there to come in and to ask for a comment out of somebody and she was just like talking without yes. And she was just like, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Molly Galler (44:07)
It got optioned, correct? It did get optioned. But he probably didn't really participate in it. Well, fact check it and share it with the people. And yeah, he had to look out first, you know, and ask for it. And he probably didn't participate. And she's like, I'm gonna need help. And she's the two most people in the city that I've ever seen on the internet. Yeah, so she's under 30, which is like, what? But also...

Stephanie (44:08)
It got optioned, correct? But I can't remember if it's movie or TV.

And there's currently two books out, the third is coming out soon, and she has a fourth one coming out at some point. And she is just like popping these out. Yeah, probably.

Molly Galler (44:35)
I need to share. I said this to Steph in a text. I was recently telling my friend Emily, meet and friend, shout out to Emily, that I was reading this book and I was like, I just finished a great book. I think you would love it. It's called Done and Dusted to which she said, is that about cleaning?

Stephanie (44:43)
that I was reading this book and I was like, I just finished a great book, I think you'll love it, it's called Uninvested, to which she said, is that about clean?

Kaitlin (44:55)
Uh, no, no it's not.

Molly Galler (44:59)
I said, no, that is about being thrown off of a horse. It's not about cleaning. It's not an Amelia Bedelia book. So if you're interested in Wyoming or the West or cowboy romances, also this is very small townie. So like if you like a Gilmore Girls type vibe, it does also have that kind of same energy and there's all kinds of people in the town who have been there forever and ever.

Stephanie (44:59)
I said, no, that is about people more than people. It's not a good feeling. It's not even a good feeling.

Kaitlin (45:16)
small time. So like if you like going real straight by, but you also have the same energy. There's all kinds of people out in town. You know they have to support each other. I like to tell you that it's going to be a good way to explain that. Yeah I mean I'll talk to them and talk to them. We already tried to buy the second one and they didn't have it. Remember?

Molly Galler (45:26)
They all support each other and I'd like to tell you that I'm not going to read all the rest of them, but I probably am.

Stephanie (45:29)
It's a sweet book.

Yeah, I mean, I'll probably buy the second and third ones for our trip. Yeah, that's true. Correct.

Molly Galler (45:40)
I think it's called Swift and Saddled, the next one. I also just love they're all like alliterative, which I just think makes it more fun. Also, the colors are awesome. Yeah. They're so campy here. Like, the colors are old, Western, but like, they're not really different from these. Yeah, they're very like frameable. I know. I want to tell you how it looks. It's those...

Kaitlin (45:43)
That is correct. Also the covers are awesome. They're so campy and like they remind me of like old westerns but like they kind of look like the funnies from a newspaper.

Stephanie (45:48)
Yeah. Also, the colors are awesome. They're so candy and they've already cut old western, but they kind of look funny. Yeah. And also, once you know all the characters, it's those characters that are going to be in the next books. Because it's all, you know.

Molly Galler (46:05)
Yes. Yes, which is great. Yes, exactly. Exactly. And in the acknowledgments, I think that she did already know that the next one was going to be coming out because she says, you know, and I'm so grateful that I'm going to get the chance to tell the story of you know, so on, so on, so on. So I think each one of the next installments follows a different sibling in the family.

Kaitlin (46:05)
Yes. I mean, yes. Which is great. Oh, that makes sense that she likes Helen Holm, then. Mm-hmm. Yes, exactly. Exactly. And any kind of acknowledgments, I think that she did already know that the next one was going to be Helen Holm because she says, you know, and I'm so grateful that we get the chance to go as far as the songs are on songs. So I think each one of the next ones are on this one as a different symbol of the

Stephanie (46:10)
Mm-hmm. Yes. Exactly. And in the book, it not just, I think she did already, the next one was completely clean up because she says, you know, and I was totally caught up in cancer, osteoarthritis, and so on and so on. So I think each one of the past few songs follows a different facility. Yeah. I also just really love that like her origin story is that she self-published that book.

and then got traditionally published because it did so well, which just like gives the layman hope, you know?

Molly Galler (46:45)

Kaitlin (46:45)
that she saw for the cat book and then after this one published, we have a piece called, which just gives a light and hope. Absolutely. Do we know... It's not a trope, but do we know what it's called when an author makes a series out of the side characters from the first book? Is that called something? Because it also reminds me of the motorcycle books that I made you read.

Stephanie (46:52)
And also makes us hear things out of the side-character terms from the first book. I'm sure someone's coined a term. Oh yeah. Nope, couldn't tell you. And also, for those who read the Jasmin and Tory books, there's always cross-border public events from the previous installment. Well, T.O. Williams did it too. Yes, T.O. Williams also worked with the...

Molly Galler (46:58)
is that the whole issue? Is it a matter of how you project it? How do you project it? Hold on, hold on. It's also, um, for those who have read the Jasmine Guillory books, there's always crossover of the characters from the previous installment, even if they're just, you know, yes, Tia Williams also included from the character from 70s in June reappeared in Love Song for Ricky Wilde. Um,

Kaitlin (47:04)
which I can't think of the name of right now. Hold on, hold on. It's also, for those who are looking at the Jassim gallery, there's always a crossover of the characters from the previous installment, even if they're just- Oh, Tia Woyle. Yes, Tia Woyle was also included from the character from the same day that you did the good and lost people if you want.

Molly Galler (47:27)
If you all want to follow what we're reading, what we're excited about, an incredible amount of hilarious memes and reels, please follow us on Instagram.

Kaitlin (47:27)
If you want to follow what we're reading and what we're excited about, an incredible amount of hilarious news and we always, please follow us on Instagram. I have two personal links. It's called, yes, we'll share the sound of Tony on Instagram. Let's see if I can really do that. But.

Stephanie (47:35)
I also just want to say thank you for sticking through this whole episode when I sound like this. Yes, we will see.

Molly Galler (47:40)
Yes, you won't be able to hear the sound of Stephanie on Instagram because we don't really do that, but give a follow at plansarebooked. You can also shoot us a note to plan We love to hear from you. We want to know what you're reading, what you think we should be reading, and the ideas for upcoming episode topics. We are delighted to hear your thoughts.

Kaitlin (47:46)
Give us a call if our plans are booked. You can access us on note to planbookbooked at and at And we'll read it, and we should be reading, and then give us our upcoming episode topics. We are delighted to carry on. And until next time, our plans are booked.

Chapter 25: A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
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