Chapter 23: Tearjerker Books

Get out the tissues, because this week we're talking about books that made us cry. Kaitlin admits that stories about teenage boys going through a hard time always wreck her, Stephanie shares three favorites (and gets a bit choked up on air), and Molly heads to memoir land to revisit the books that undid her, including one that made her ugly cry on a plane. In our catch up, we shift into joy mode. Stephanie updates us on her new volunteer role at a horse barn and Molly raves about a new restaurant find in Cambridge. We close by sharing what we're reading now, including a Reese Witherspoon Book Club pick that has surprisingly scathing Goodreads reviews. We love hearing what you're excited about and what you think we should read next. Connect with us on Instagram, @plansarebooked, or send an email to
Chapter 23: Tearjerker Books
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