Chapter 22: A Love Song For Tia Williams

This week we're gushing about one of our favorite authors, Tia Williams. We share how moved we were by Seven Days in June and how eager we were for this year's release of A Love Song for Ricki Wilde. In our catch up, Molly shares about her recent trip to Library Restaurant, Kaitlin tells us about her spring break in Florida, and Steph asks the question, "Do you have an inner monologue?" which leads to a 15-minute discussion on how our brains work. This episode Molly admits her newfound obsession with the rescue pup Miss Peaches, and we debate matching swag to support her animal rescue work. We close by sharing what we're reading this week - a mix of fantasy, murder mystery, and small town romance. We love chatting with you, so please connect with us on Instagram, @plansarebooked, or send us a note to
Chapter 22: A Love Song For Tia Williams
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