Chapter 42: Wild Love by Elsie Silver

Fueled by milkshakes, this week is an all out gigglefest. Steph shares her day at the barn, including getting to know some adorable, tiny kittens. Kaitlin recaps her weekend on Cape Cod, including an awesome round of golf with her mom. Molly details her annual getaway to Maine, including a growing menagerie of inflatables. Then we deep dive on a book we read in Wyoming, Wild Love by Elsie Silver. Kaitlin and Molly gush about the male lead, Ford Grant, and Steph makes a surprising confession. We talk about the allure of small town settings, the power of fated mates, and our obsession with great banter. In what we're reading this week, we each try to guess how many books are in our respective TBR piles, and then share three books across completely different genres. To follow along with all of our book recs, join us on Instagram @plansarebooked. If you have an idea for a future episode, write to us at
Chapter 42: Wild Love by Elsie Silver
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